Sunday, August 29, 2004

Hi readers. Today was a weird weird day, many very bad mood swings, so much so that reality became a little blur at one point. But right now you've caught me at some kind of equilibrium that will hopefully last me for the week ahead at least.

And since i'm a science student,
sanity + cheerfulness <---> depression + irrationality, Ka=1.97

at the moment, equilibrium lies exactly in the centre, so reactants and products are in a 1:1 proportion. But life is not a closed system, and the slightest change in the situation will radically shift the equilibrium to the right or the left. In other words, don't push it.

For all we understand about the brain and neurotransmitters like serotonin, endorphins, opiates, etc. emotions can't be explained away by science.

Pass the prozac.


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